Our craftsmen can diagnose and eliminate problems with the electrician, install plumbing, to assemble and install furniture, repair roller shutters and doors, to dismantle carpets and linoleum, to paint water and sewer pipes, to drill holes in concrete, to install skirting boards and much more.
The undeniable advantages of calling a specialist can be that he will perform all the work extremely accurately and at the end of the working process, everything will be carefully cleaned up. He always has with him special tools and equipment and will cope with any household malfunction.
Master at home - fast and quality service delivery
In every home, there are situations when you may need a small operational repair. But in order for the repair work to be done correctly, it is necessary to resort to the use of appropriate construction equipment, which, moreover, must be thoroughly mastered. So you can safely say that the services of a master you will definitely need. We provide our services at reasonable rates and invite everyone to use the services of professional masters.
If at home there are problems that you can not eliminate yourself, do not bother your friends and acquaintances, taking them away from personal affairs. Cooperation with professionals is the key to success in minor repair work.
With many years’ experience spread across the company, it is increasingly rare for us to come across a problem we haven’t solved before. Our technicians have excellent product knowledge built through experience and training.
Well prepared for any eventuality, they have experience in repairs of wood, metal and fabric and would even be able to help refresh old furniture where new wouldn’t be cost effective.
We will carry out all aspects of installation for you: from the assembly and delivery of a chair or a cupboard, to the full refit and installation in your home.

When creating a design project, it is often necessary to make furniture to order. We have our furniture production, which allows us to save up to 20% of the time and budget.
You do not need to look for new contractors, because we know better than anyone else what to do and how it needs to be done to preserve the integrity of the design of the project.
Our main priority is the ecological compatibility of furniture, so we pay special attention to the quality of materials that are used in production.
Many people try to install or repair the plumbing themselves, believing that they will save money and make it more reliable. But you must agree, everyone should do his own business, because all kinds of work require special knowledge and skills, without which you can not only not cope with simple breakdown, but also do much harm, adding to the master of work.
Therefore, it is better to immediately pay attention to the selection of a master and call a plumber worthy, than to engage in plumbing work themselves.

Even if you do not know what the cause of the problem is and do not understand why an electrical appliance does not work or if there is no light in the house, we can always help you: an electrician will diagnose, find and repair damage using modern equipment.
Performing self-wiring work is risky, because the smallest mistake and the ignition of the wiring may occur. The consequences of such repairs are known to all. First, it is unsafe for your health and your home appliances, and secondly, your self-activity can cost you much more than the services of an electrician.
Want to assemble a closet or install a door, but do not know which side to approach it from? The main thing is that there is a desire, and we will help you to do this. After all, not everyone can cut, drill, or even determine the size and calculate everything correctly. But for carpenters "SB TRADE" are the usual components of carpentry.
In any room from time to time, it is necessary to repair windows, doors, locks or furniture. And if you are going to completely renovate your home and want to change the carpentry - our carpenters and in this case will help you. After all, such a serious job is still better to entrust to the master of his case.

Our masters are ready to leave for you to call at any time of the day, to do the work quickly and efficiently. Our specialists have a great experience and a lot of satisfied customers, do not worry. You will get an excellent result. Our company guarantees the quality of the services provided and gives a guarantee for the work done, so you can be sure of the quality of the work done.