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Any house is a symbol of the human world, because perfectly tell all about their owners. The history of the staircases in the interior of private houses goes back several thousand years. And in general, it is far from knowing who and when made the first staircase in the world, but each epoch introduced something new into their design.

And over time, the production of stairs has become even a lucrative popular occupation, which, in fact, is to this day. Only for today the choice of forms and designs is simply incredibly huge.



The staircase is a decorative element, but it is necessary to place it in the living room with extreme caution – it can break the division into common and private areas, although it is intended to serve as a natural boundary between them. Only in special cases can we be interested in the absence of such a separation, for example, if the stairs lead to the upper level of a two-light room belonging to the day part.

The staircase in the house can play two roles, namely, front and back. The ceremonial design is entrusted with a very important mission, as it can be said, "rules the ball" in the house, representing the key figure.

There are some of the most common materials that are used in the construction of stairs, each of which has its own characteristics and is more suitable for a particular style.



Perhaps the safest and most versatile material for making stairs is a tree. At the same time, the range of design possibilities is so wide that the design, in the end, can acquire an amazing look.

Timber stairs are good in modern and classic design, they can be light and delicate, or, conversely, massive. But in any case, it is recommended to make single-mantle structures, successful for connecting the room and mezzanine, with fastenings on the floor and the floor.



- Massive construction, the area of which will lead the first steps of the staircase to the entrance door;

- The construction of glass or too steep stairs without railings, if the house is home to young children or elderly people;

- A wide staircase, divided into two spans on both sides of the hallway, in a house designed for one family. It is quite possible to do with a screw or 2-march construction, which will save your money and money.

March flights are a continuous series of steps from the lower platform to the upper one. In more spacious houses, you can build a construction with two or three marches, but one-march stairs are built where the area does not allow to allocate intermediate sites. Screw staircases in appearance can be compared with a fragment of human DNA. Such a design is a continuous spiral shape, the variations of which can be very large.



The staircase, first of all, is a communication element uniting floors, and it should be erected in the hall, hallway or corridor. Located in another room, these lifting structures have a significant impact on overall layout and design. They are able to occupy a significant area and visually burden the room, or, when executed in bright colors from light and strong materials, on the contrary, raise the ceiling a little.

If the hallway area does not have a large area, you should erect a flight of stairs at the wall opposite the entrance door. It is important to consider the design for the railing and adjoining surfaces: color, texture, the size of the wall panels, and so on. These elements are required to work in one key, thereby harmoniously fitting the staircase structure into a nearby environment.



In our practice there are as expensive as budget projects, but everything always depends on the wishes of the customer.


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